Pay your bill online
Use any major credit card to pay your bill securely anytime.
All you need is the bill you received in the mail which contains your
Account Number and Amount. We also need your email address to send you a receipt or to contact you in case there are any issues with the payment.
Where is your account number
Your Account# and Amount are on the top right corner on the statement you received in the mail.
In the picture above the Account# is 123456 and the Amount is 44.44
Credit Card Security
All credit card details are securely processed by Stripe - a global leader in online credit card payments. We do not have access to your credit card. The credit card statement may include the words Stripe and Eye Center.
If you encounter any errors, please note the error and call us to resolve.
Type the details above and then click Proceed and you will be asked for your email and your credit card details